Learning resource
The DNA Journey
- Deconstruct stereotypes and beliefs that can create an obstacle to dialogue and mutual acceptance.
- Facilitate comparison in a multicultural or multi-ethnic group.
The path begins with a phase of stimulus or provocation, which brings out stereotypes and prejudices that exist among the students.
The task of the teacher or group leader is to bring out even the less "politically correct" firm beliefs, but without blowing up the problems. At this stage the teachers themselves will admit they have stereotypes and prejudices that they can hardly deal with.
Later on the video advertisement from the travel agency Momondo, The DNA journey is shown and then the students‘ first impressions are gathered. For them, what is the objective of this viral campaign? Does this message correspond to our vision? Why is it interesting for the company? Why did it go viral ? How are emotions evoked? Are they interested to know more about the making of this video?
In a third session (after a cooling-off period) the statements about stereotypes and prejudices made by the students at the first meeting are considered again in order to understand their origins (for example Why did I develop this prejudice? Where does it come from? What is its origin? What kind of consequences can it lead to? Watching this behaviour more carefully, is it acceptable? How can I fight it?) This activity can help share values that allow the class to overcome those prejudices.
- Video on YouTube.
- Classroom equipped with chairs in a circle.
- Flip chart.
- Intercultural mediator.
- Facilitators.
It is better if the task is handled by a representative other than the teacher of this particular class, although the presence of teachers as participants can be helpful to manage the dynamics of the group. It is therefore necessary that the class tutor delivers a report (written or at least verbal) to the intercultural mediator about the situation of the class group and about the problems already detected.
- After the activity the work sheets, in which they reported their own prejudices, are returned to the students. Students are asked about whether the activity has influenced their opinions or caused a shift in their attitude towards these topics.
- After a few moments the class tutor will be asked if any changes occurred compared to the original situation highlighted in the report.
Portuguese, Portugal