Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Onlus
Fondazione Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Onlus
Casa di carità arti e mestieri is a non-profit vocational training center. It plans, coordinates and conducts research, guidance, education and training, updating and support to work. It has 27 schools in Italy.
It provides guidance and training to over 6000 students (adults and minors) each year: teenagers, apprentices, graduates, workers, migrants, young people at risk, men and women in situations of social disadvantage, people with justice problems. Of the 6.000 beneficiaries, about 20% are migrants. Especially in recent years, one of the themes developed through local and European projects were as follows:
- Social promotion of the immigrant
- Training and certification of skills of Italian as L2 (levels A1 to C1) and citizenship skills
- Vocational training of immigrants with high levels of professionalism
- Delivery of services to work even specific to migrants
- Measures to prevent and combat racial discrimination
- Actions of information and awareness in the human rights
- Actions of intercultural education for the public and private sector
Casa di carità operates with public funding (national, local and European) and on order of companies, associations, public administrations. It makes use of a plurality of collaborations:
- Employees: 300 employees (executives, teachers, researchers, administrative staff)
- External staff: in cases which require a specific technical expertise (about 700 experts each year)
Casa di carità operates under a Quality Management System certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008. Since 2004, the Agency is entered in the first section of the Register of organizations and associations which carry out activities in favor of immigrants from the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. Since 2008, the House of Charity has an agreement with the University for Foreigners of Siena for the Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language and the Turin Centre course Brin is home to CILS exams.